
Natália Capra Ferrazzo

About Natália

I hold a B.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, having graduated in October 2022 with a harmonic mean of 8.8 out of 10. Currently, I am pursuing my master’s degree in Quantum Information at Sorbonne University.

I’m fascinated about Physics, Quantum Computing and Data Science.

I’ve worked as a Data Scientist at Cadastra, a digital marketing agency where I helped to automate a verification algorithm to check affiliate sales legitimacy. The algorithm was able to detect fraudulent affiliation, and, with this, our company was able to recover almost R$ 500,000 in fraudulent sales affiliation.

At IBM I’ve worked with Watson AI, microservices and cloud for a Brazilian bank app, helping to develop and maintain a financial portfolio that are used for over 16 million customers.


  • python
  • Qiskit
  • Quantum Computing